Moldova Matters
Moldova Matters Podcast
First Podcast Q&A

First Podcast Q&A

June 9, 2024

Hey everyone! here’s the promised test podcast where I answer your questions and try out something new!

Right off the bat, please forgive the background noise. I think I cleaned it up a bit but I’m sitting in my house out in a village on the Nistru and there are probably a bunch of bird sounds in the background. I hope it’s not too distracting.

For those who listen please send me some feedback afterwards! Leave comments, drop me an email, however you want to get in touch please do! I really want to hear if you like this format and find it useful. If so I’ll probably do more of these going forward.

Ok, without further ado please enjoy this first Moldova Matters Q&A podcast!

Moldova Matters
Moldova Matters Podcast
A podcast brought to you by the Moldova Matters substack. In our episodes we explore various elements of the political, economic or security situation in Moldova and help explain to an English speaking audience what is going on in this small but important European country.
Moldova Matters Podcast is a bit of an experiment and we hope you'll stick around for the quality content and disregard the rudimentary production values.
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David Smith