Jun 9Liked by David Smith

Great idea with the podcast. It will get better but you offer some of the more deep and ballanced analysis of the Moldovan politics. Congrets!

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Jun 9Liked by David Smith

I love the podcast, as long as it is thorough, it can be longer… That’s the most important aspect in a podcast where you are answering questions is that you answer them completely. Some might want it shorter but I want it to be thorough, if it’s only 30 minutes and there’s less questions answered fine if it takes 45 or so to answer the questions properly, then so be it. Podcasts are great because you can listen to them while you are driving, or cleaning the house or whatever… Keep it up and getting more proficient and better will happen automatically. Good stuff, buddy!

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Jun 9Liked by David Smith

Interesting but just a little too long. Maybe concentrate on less topics for each podcast. Love the newsletter

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Agree. Maybe 25 minutes?

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Hi Ileana,

What's an ideal length for you? I was targeting around 30 minutes but there were a lot of questions. Most podcasts I listen to are 45 min to 1 hour which I see as a bit of a max. Anyhow, thanks for the feedback! let me know what your ideal listen would be!

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Very interesting, thank you.

Audio quality was good enough, but a little better would not hurt.

The best questions I thought were ones I would never think of asking!

I liked the range of subjects covered, and particularly when you described the practicalities, (which are rarely mentioned in my other news sources).

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Jun 14Liked by David Smith

Hi David I will be in Chisinau for a week, starting Monday, June 17 in the afternoon. Maybe we could meet for a cofee if you are in town?

And by the way, Brian still has his pidcast.https://www.powervertical.org/

Do follow it, it is still great!

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I do still follow! Let's meet up when you are in town. Reply to any MM email and we can arrange a meeting.

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A couple of thoughts for possible future coverage?

I was surprised to hear that the role of president was intended to be pretty much powerless. So how did Maia Sandu turn it into something so effective? (Or maybe I misunderstood).

Lots of minor news items about dodgy money being uncovered. Does this indicate more thorough investigation under the current government, or more dodgy stuff going on? (I suspect money from the likes of Shor is relatively new, other stuff has been going on a long time?).

Like this: https://news.24.md/ro/stories/video-o-retea-de-restaurante-din-moldova-perhezitionata-pentru-spalare-de-bani-au-fost-ridicati-19-milioane-de-lei-ZJGvjqm

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Hi Nick,

So... thank you for the feedback and it's uncanny how you seem to have traced my own thoughts. The question about the presidency gets to deeper tensions in Moldova's evolving constitutional system that I think I will address in a podcast quite soon. It's a good stand alone topic (and hopefully less than 45 minutes).

As to the dodgy money I think it's hard to know. There is for sure a Shor element which is a real increase in enforcement and resources - especially at the border. But as I responded to you on twitter (I won't call it X) the restaurant in question is *usually* TaxiBlues. It's almost a yearly occurrence that the owner is arrested. He sometimes spends a little time in jail and then... back at it. More often these people are released as soon as the cameras are turned off. I think a whole website could be made on tracking court cases and seeing how many actually go anywhere...

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Jun 13Liked by David Smith

Hi, first of all, I have been working for RFR/RL in Munich and Prague for 30+ years, fir the Romanian than Moldovan Svc. So radio/audio is my "home". I would not go over 30 minutes, for two reasons: people are in a hurry; the topics you talked abour were very interesting but divers. I would rather resume to 2 topics, maybe related and make the answers even more personal. People who ask question like to hear their names, aso

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Hi Ileana, thank you for the feedback! I think it's sound advice and I'm also thinking of constraining topics a bit. I did try and mention names but possible I missed one (oops).

Huge fan of RFERL! mostly I read the English language service and sadly I haven't listened much since Brian Whitmore left (I've followed his podcast on it's odd journey). I do listen to your Romanian language programming a bit as my Romanian improves (my primary second language is Russian).

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Jun 12Liked by David Smith

Thanks for putting this out there! I found the audio to be pleasant listening quality - no complaints there at all. Same with the length - 30-45 minutes is a sweet spot for me.

For Q&A episodes, I find it helpful to have a time stamp breakdown in the show notes or description to let me know what topics will be covered and when. Particularly for folks that are already well acquainted with Moldova, it helps to pop into the episode to hear your thoughts on new developments.

Agreed that Moldova has a gap in polling data analysis/journalism. Having been personally involved in the procurement and production of many polls in Moldova, I know the quality (and suspected political ties) of firms varies and it would be helpful to translate that to outside observers. I'll think more about how to do that...

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Hi Mark! Thanks for the feedback. The timestamp idea is a good one for sure.

As to polling, I've also been thinking about how this could be improved with the election season coming. It's too bad that Moldovan universities are so isolated from daily life here. Something like the ROPER Center would be really helpful in gathering this data so that news organizations could interact with it.


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Jun 12Liked by David Smith

Thanks for doing this David! Great initiative. Looking forward to more series and more in depth analyses. An idea for your consideration: invite/pair up with experts, other journalists to deep dive into issues.

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Thanks Maria! I'm considering some guest podcasts for sure. Still working on the details now but I'm hoping to test out various formats as we approach the fall's elections.

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Great podcast, David, well done! I think you can say that it was a success, and I look forward to listening to many more of them.

I would agree that aiming for 30 mins is a good idea generally. I have a lot of podcasts I like listening to, so keeping up to date with them all is a challenge. If you have more material than that, I would hold some of it to the next edition, or, it’s timely, do an emergency extra edition as you do with the newsletters.

I also agree that the depth of analysis and your very knowledgable perspective is what makes your podcast a must listen. Your ability to unpack the complexities of Moldova is your USP. I also now know how to pronounce Plahotniuc correctly!

On audio quality, I didn’t mind the birds, they were charming! I would suggest you try to make the audio level a bit higher, as in noise environments, such as commuting to work, I did struggle to hear a bit using AirPods.

Overall, a great edition to your journalistic enterprise.

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Hi Alex - thanks for the feedback!

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Jun 11Liked by David Smith

The podcast is great. Thank you for answering my question. Looking forward to seeing more of it!!

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Jun 11Liked by David Smith

Great job adding details and opinions of what's happening. I like the newsletters, but this adds such depth to the issues. 40 minutes was ok for me. Quality good. I feel that I am understanding the nuances much better now. Especially the EU topic, including your opinions. Bravo.

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Jun 9Liked by David Smith

And I Louth couple of times which for me again is more fun to lisen:)

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Jun 9Liked by David Smith

Nice voice David, I lisen 15 minutes and I love it, for me it works way better to lisen then read, thank you!

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OK, here's a question I have never got my head around.

What do ordinary Moldovans who are pro-Russian see as benefits of the country moving closer to Russia? I can't see anyone looking at (say) Romania and Belarus, and saying that Belarus is a better place to live...

It's pretty clear what the likes of Igor "Kuliok" Dodon get out of it...

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Well, for those converted to that particular set of opinions... they do love Belarus! Strong man, no silly elections and political instability, clean streets (just like the remember in the Soviet times), massive state industrial sector subsidized by the government (because it's not competitive) and cheap energy!

I think mostly this is all tinged with Soviet nostalgia.

Previously younger business owners would tell me that the EU might be good in 20 years (if they let Moldova in) but being closer with Russia is economically beneficial now. I haven't heard that particular argument since Feb 2022.

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Problem with your MM mail is that every time I get a rejection. Anyhow, I will let you know when I am in town. All the best and continue your Podcast.

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