Moldova Matters
Moldova Matters Podcast
Episode 7: The Alliance for European Integration (Part 2 of 3)

Episode 7: The Alliance for European Integration (Part 2 of 3)

With guest George Teodorescu

This episode is part of a 3 part mini-series with guest George Teodorescu looking at the first Alliance for Europe. This series will cover the still murky events of April 2009, the rise of the first pro-European coalition government and the collapse of that government following the Theft of the Billion and subsequent rise of Plahotniuc.

This episode covers the creation of the first Alliance for European Integration and the successes and failures of that coalition government. We start with the long process of Voronin and the Communists exiting the scene and the appearance of a number of figures who will foreshadow future political twists and turns.

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Moldova Matters Podcast
A podcast brought to you by the Moldova Matters substack. In our episodes we explore various elements of the political, economic or security situation in Moldova and help explain to an English speaking audience what is going on in this small but important European country.
Moldova Matters Podcast is a bit of an experiment and we hope you'll stick around for the quality content and disregard the rudimentary production values.
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