Moldova Matters
Moldova Matters Podcast
Episode 4: War in Ukraine Part 2

Episode 4: War in Ukraine Part 2

With guest Vlad Șuleanschi

In part 2 of my conversation with guest Vlad Șuleanschi we look at the outbreak of the full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine as seen from Moldova. Vlad and I discuss the initial shock and disbelief of those days in late February and then talk about how Moldova rallied to the challenge of a massive refugee crisis.

In our discussion we spend some time talking about our own experience with the refugee relief effort and the joint effort we participated in. We also try and look at the broader context of war and insecurity that casts a shadow over Moldova to this day.

On a personal note: Our small part of this, headquartered at our closed restaurant Smokehouse and bringing together Peace Corps Moldova, The Friends of Moldova and the Moldova Small Enterprise Alliance will be an experience Vlad and I will never forget. In a podcast like this there was no time to do proper shout-outs to the dozens of incredible people who made this effort possible. You know who you are and you know how much we came to value your friendship and partnership during these hard times.

Moldova Matters
Moldova Matters Podcast
A podcast brought to you by the Moldova Matters substack. In our episodes we explore various elements of the political, economic or security situation in Moldova and help explain to an English speaking audience what is going on in this small but important European country.
Moldova Matters Podcast is a bit of an experiment and we hope you'll stick around for the quality content and disregard the rudimentary production values.
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Appears in episode
David Smith