David, I think that you are doing superb job in helping us understand the important issues facing Moldova. I deeply appreciate all your efforts.

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Thanks Mike!

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Informative, as always, and more than usually entertaining. I love "wasn't sure how a sledge hammer worked"! Imagine his dilemma when faced with a tool that has moving parts!

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Hello David, I wanted to write you a comment, but I find myself 100% in what Mike has already written to you. Congratulations for your excellent work! As for people like Rizea, I absolutely agree that they don't deserve any attention. I look forward to his expulsion from Moldavia to Romania, to serve his sentence.

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Thanks Tino! Yes if / when that happens *that* will be news. I thought he was a fun example of the fluff you wade through in Moldovan news coverage. Hope you watched the video with the sledge hammer! It's pretty hilarious :)

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Hello David!

The Romanian Ministry of Justice transmitted today (January 7) the situation of the extradition procedures and the European arrest warrants, saying that the procedures are long and depend on the legislation of the countries where the fugitives are.

The settlement of extradition requests shall take place in accordance with the law of the requesting State, under the conditions and within the time limits set by that State.

Regarding the situation of Cristian Rizea, the Ministry stated the following:

"Cererea de extrădare a fost formulată şi comunicată autorităților din Republica Moldova ulterior decretului președintelui de retragere a cetățeniei moldave acordate. Persoana a formulat acțiune în justiție prin care a solicitat anularea acestui decret și, la data de 29.12.2021, s-a respins cererea lui Rizea. Hotărârea nu este definitivă. Totodată, dosarul constituit cu privire la cererea de azil formulată de Rizea a avut termen pe 29.12.2021. Soluție: apel respins. La 4 ianuarie 2022, Republica Moldova a comunicat că următorul termen fixat pentru soluționarea cererii de extrădare este 28.01.2022".

Fostul deputat PSD Cristian Rizea a fost condamnat definitiv în 2019 la 4 ani și 8 luni de închisoare cu executare pentru trafic de influență, spălare de bani și influențarea declarațiilor, el fugind în Republica Moldova. În noiembrie 2020 fostul președinte al Republicii Moldova Igor Dodon i-a retras cetățenia lui Cristian Rizea.”

I can't wait for this individual to be deported to Romania and to serve the sentence he was sentenced to. People like him hurt the image of Romanians in the Republic of Moldova.

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Thanks for sharing!! Yes I will be interesting to see this weird story find some sort of resolution...

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